The Importance of Translation for Imports and Exports

The Importance of Translation for Imports and Exports

The Importance of Translation for Imports and Exports

For both small and large companies it is clear that, when importing a product, you need to work with the best service providers in the country of origin (quality control, factory audits, etc.). However, translation is often overlooked, whether it is technical translations, translating your packaging or translating your international marketing materials.

Why is it so important?

Legal compliance

Many products are required by law to be accompanied by certain information, whether it’s on the pack, or in the form of instruction leaflets or product labeling. 

If the information isn’t in the language of the country of sale, you may be breaking the law so it always pays to check.

Effective Communication

If you don’t work with a translator and interpreter, you are forcing your suppliers and other partners to use a foreign language, which they may not be fluent in.

This is just one more added difficulty to the complex import business.

If you want to not waste your time and money, and agile your business, bet on effective communication. No misunderstandings or delays. Get straight to the point with the help of a translator!

Global brand image

As a customer, would you trust a company who didn’t have their packaging in your language?

Translating the product information that you provide to your clients (from packaging, to instructions and documents) will make your brand be perceived as professional, serious, and truly global.

Taking care of your Partners

How can you hope to create long-term business partnerships, if you are not able to communicate with your partners in their mother tongue?

Offering translation and interpreting services when working with your local partners is not only crucial for effective communication, but also shows respect for their culture, and makes their life easier!

Thus, your partners will trust you more and your partnerships will become more profitable. 

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