Frequently Asked Questions
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Our Experts Answer the Most Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions
There are 2 ways to get in contact with us:
- Drop an email to with PO details (omit sensitive information), specification and factory information and we will follow up with you within 24hours of each request.
- Get in touch with your dedicated Brand Manager (if there is an Brand Manager assigned to your account) by sending him/her an email with PO details (omit sensitive information), specification and factory information.
Inspection Related Service: Branding Manufacturing Services provides same day reporting for inspection related services; the report would be available and issued within 3 to 6 hours after the completion of the service on-site.
Factory Audit related services: The report would be issued within 5 working days. In any special cases that would cause delay in the reporting, your appointed Brand Manager would advise you in advance.
The below is what we recommend to send to all vendors/factories who we are engaging for the first time:
Please modify this if needed or use it as it is. Depending on your relationship, you may want to delete or modify the sections that state who is responsible for the cost of late/rush, and the costs of re-inspection in case of a FAIL result.
This message is to inform you that we will be working with a 3rd party QC firm – Branding Manufacturing Services to perform auditing, product inspection or testing services on our behalf. This process allows us both to be rest assured of the quality standards and in addition help us establish further in our business relationship. Please be aware of things that you should take note in these QC services:
- Branding Manufacturing Services has its own set of Booking Policy which they will send to you. We require that you adhere to their rules. Any late/rush bookings and cancellations, bookings on weekends/holiday that will incur extra charges in which these be billed back to you.
- A representative from Branding Manufacturing Services will be contacting you within 48 hours to follow-up.
- After any service is complete, you will be asked to sign the Inspection Acknowledgement detailing the service results and also the Integrity Declaration Form which prohibits any improper benefits from being offered to Branding Manufacturing Services’ staff.
Below text is applicable to Inspection Related Services:
- We will pay the costs of all first inspections. If the inspection result has a FAIL rating due to poor product quality or lack of readiness, all re-inspection costs will be billed back to you.
- All products should be 100% completed and packed in ready for inspection. Please contact me directly for approval if you require exception to this rule.
- Branding Manufacturing Services issues an official report within 3-6 hours of completing the services within Mainland China. Services conducted outside of Mainland China, official reports are issued on the next business day. We expect to review the findings in the report prior to your shipment of any products. If you have not been advised on how to proceed based on the report’s result, please do not ship the products without receiving authorization from me.
Below text is applicable to Factory Related Services:
- Branding Manufacturing Services will be performing this service on our behalf which require they have significant access to your facility which include the production, design and storage areas that are related to the product production. Please provide the auditors access to these areas and all necessary information, and also allow them photo taking of these related areas. If you have any question with this, please inform us ASAP or at least 2 days prior to this service conducted.
English Version
“BMS” is the abbreviation of Brand Manufacturing Services, “BMS” mentioned on the text below refers to Branding Manufacturing Services.
1.Upon submission of this booking form to BMS, you have confirmed that all information provided in this form is accurate and that you understand BMS’s Booking Policy as below. Booking requests are subjected to BMS’s availability.
2. For Product inspection service:
- Booking form need to be sent to BMS with at least 2 working days in advance (e.g. services on Thursday must be booked by 5pm on Monday).
- Cancellation must be made with both email and phone call together to BMS office.
3. For Factory audit service:
- Booking form needs to be sent to BMS with at least 5 working days in advance.
- Cancellation conditions also apply as mentioned below.
4. Cancellation Policy:
- No extra change will be incurred if cancellation made two working days in advance (e.g. services on Thursday cancelled before 5pm on Tuesday).
- US$50 rush cancellation fee will be incurred with less than 1 working day noticed (e.g. services on Thursday cancelled from 5pm on Tuesday to 5pm on Wednesday).
- Full cost of cancellation fee will be incurred (e.g. services on Thursday cancelled after 5pm on Wednesday, or auditors are not allowed to perform the services as scheduled or denied access).
- In some cases, when the travel expenses such as bus or train tickets that have already been incurred. The costs incurred or cancellation fee will be billed should these expenses cannot be refunded.
5. The factories must have all items neatly placed in the warehouse, and the space must be allowed auditors to easy access.
6. The factories must help to arrange adequate workers to move cartons, unpacking, packing and perform on-site tests, etc.
7. Should Inspection be delayed due to factory’s reason, BMS will bill a fee of $40 per auditor, per hour.
8. Sunday and Chinese Public Holidays services will be subject to extra charges as such: Sunday (1.5 X actual man-day count), Public Holiday (2.0 X actual man-day count).
9. In the event of natural catastrophe (typhoon, earthquake etc.) and if the auditor was already dispatched but BMS was not able to undertake the service, the client will only be billed with the incurred expenses. BMS will not charge the service fee and will re-schedule the service again.
10. Working day refers to Monday – Saturday, excluding all Chinese Public Holidays.
11. Inspection reports are issued on the same day following completion of the service. For services conducted during public holidays, a USD$50 report issuing fee will apply. Otherwise, the report will be issued on the next working day.
12. Factory audit reports will be issued within five working day following the completion of the service.
“BMS”为Branding Manufacturing Services缩写,以下所有“BMS”都指 Branding Manufacturing Services。
2. 产品检验服务:
- 请表需要至少提前两个工作日提交给BMS(例如,星期四的服务申请须在该周星期一下午五点之前提交给BMS)。
- 服务的取消必须同时以电话和邮件方式通知BMS办公室。
3. 工厂审核服务:
- 申请表需要至少提前五个工作日发给BMS。
- 取消适用下述规定。
4. 取消政策:
- 服务开始前两个工作日取消,不收取任何费用(例如,取消星期四的服务,须在该周星期二下午五点之前提交给BMS)。
- 少于一个工作日取消验货服务的 (例如,取消星期四的服务,取消申请在星期二下午五点之后至星期三下午五点之前以内提交给BMS的),BMS将会收取50USD的加急取消费用。
- 原定服务日前一天下午五点后取消服务的(例如,星期四的服务,取消申请在该周星期三下午五点后提交给BMS),或者BMS员工被拒绝按原计划进行工作。BMS将会收取全额服务费用。
- 在一些特殊情况下,如果已经产生交通费用(如:汽车票、火车票等)。如果这些费用不能退,BMS会向客户收取。
5. 工厂需要将所有货物按产品分类摆放整齐,且有足够空间方便人员进出。
6. 工厂需要安排足够的人员在现场协助搬箱、开包装、包装、做测试等。
7. 验货过程中,由于工厂的原因而导致的服务延时,BMS会额外收取每人每小时40美金的费用。
8. 星期天和公共假日的服务会收取额外费用。星期天(正常费用X1.5), 公共节假日(正常费用X2.0)。
9. 不可抗力(台风、地震等),验货员已经出发,但是不能完成服务,客户需支付已经产生的差旅费用,但BMS不会收取服务费,并将会重新安排服务。
10. 工作日指星期一至星期六。不包括公共假日。
11. 检验报告会在检验当天发送。公共假日期间的服务,如果要求在假日期间发送报告,将会额外收取$50美元的报告费,否则报告将会在假期后的第一个工作日发送。
12. 工厂审核报告将会在服务完成后的五个工作日内发出。
Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) is a statistic measurement of the maximum number of defective products considered acceptable in a sample size.
AQL chart consists of 2 pages:

Let’s say for example in a shipment, there is an order of 3,000 pcs. In the table below, you can see how many sample sizes would be drawn for inspection based on GI, GII, GIII to S1 – S4.

If the AQL are 0/2.5/4.0, the Ac and Re numbers will be as below tables:

An example to show you how to read the AQL chart. Please contact us for more details.
Inspection Related Services:
- An introduction email informing your factory/supplier that Branding Manufacturing Services will be conducting the services.
- CC’ed your Brand Manager in the introduction email so that we are aware that your factory has been notified and we can also liaise with them to confirm the inspection start dates and the things that the factory is required to prepare so that the inspection can start out smoothly.
Factory Audit Related Services:
- An introduction email informing your factory/supplier that Branding Manufacturing Services will be conducting the services.
- CC’ed your Brand Manager in the introduction email so that we are aware that your factory has been notified and we can also liaise with them to confirm the audit start dates and to send them the checking list/document list to prepare for our auditors’ review on-site so that things can start smoothly.
What is Coronavirus?
- Coronavirus is a virus that causes illness that ranging from common cold to more severe diseases.
- Coronavirus are transmitted between animals and people.
- As Coronavirus is thought to spread mainly from people to people. Infection range from mild to serious and that it could turn deadly.
- World Health Organization (WHO) had named this disease that outbreak in China as COVID-19.
How does Coronavirus (COVID-19) affect things in China?
- New quarantine rules are being imposes in Beijing – Recent returnees are required to report to their management building and do a self 14 days quarantine. Although this is a mandate ruling in Beijing, but neighborhood committees are increasingly its assertive roles to impose this ruling across the country.
- To minimize the spread of Coronavirus, public transportation to other cities are not available. Even highway connecting to other cities are closed to prevent people from travelling in and out of the cities.
- Therefore, how does this impact inspection company’s operation in China.
- Due to the country area location – some factories are located at a far remote area and if cross cities traveling are required but due to the restriction in terms of transportation, inspectors are not able to travel to conduct the inspection.
- Due to the mandate rule that Beijing has imposed – When inspectors are arranged to travel beyond their own city and to neighboring city to conduct inspection and when they return, they will need to do a self 14 days quarantine. This will affect the inspection company operation in terms of allocating manpower.
What is happening now in China due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
- Generally, China Government is gradually lifting its restriction in terms of transportation, highway usage between cities so that people can start to travel for work.
- China government had advised of the 2nd batch of indoor quarantine which ends on the 20th February to try to contain the spread.
- Some of the companies and business have also gradually started operation but most are still operating from home.
Inspection Related Services – Branding Manufacturing Services requires at least 2 working days to guarantee availability of auditors.
Factory Audit Related Services – Branding Manufacturing Services requires at least 5 working days to guarantee availability of auditors.
Anything less, Branding Manufacturing Services will work its best to schedule.
Once you have placed an order with your supplier/factory, this is so that the third-party inspection company is able to constantly do follow up with your supplier/factory to prevent any delays.
Inspection Related Services – at least 2 working days’ notice
Factory Audit Related Services – at least 5 working days’ notice
Anything less, Branding Manufacturing Services will work its best to schedule.
There are 2 ways to get in contact with us:
- Drop an email to with PO details (omit sensitive information), specification and factory information and we will follow up with you within 24hours of each request.
- Get in touch with your dedicated Brand Manager (if there is an Brand Manager assigned to your account) by sending him/her an email with PO details (omit sensitive information), specification and factory information.
Inspection Related Services:
- PO details (omit sensitive information such as price)
- Specification/picture
- Factory address and factory personnel contact details
- At which stages do you want to have this conducted (Pre-Shipment, During Production or Production Monitoring)
- Sending your supplier/factory an introduction email informing that Branding Manufacturing Services will be in touch with them for inspection related services
Factory Audit Related Services:
- Type of Services (Social Compliance, ISO9001, SMETA or Supplier Evaluation)
- Additional information that you wish to know (any information that you would like to check in addition to supplier evaluation)
- Factory address and factory personnel contact details
- Sending your supplier/factory an introduction email informing that Branding Manufacturing Services will be in touch with them
For any of your inquiries, emails gets send to Branding Manufacturing Services, we would get back to you within the same day, considering the time differences between countries you would expect to get your our response within 24 hours.
Inspection Related Service: Branding Manufacturing Services provides same day reporting for inspection related services; the report would be available and issued within 3 to 6 hours after the completion of the service on-site.
Factory Audit related services: The report would be issued within 5 working days. In any special cases that would cause delay in the reporting, your appointed Brand Manager would advise you in advance.
AQL chart consists of 2 pages:

Let’s say for example in a shipment, there is an order of 3,000 pcs. In the table below, you can see how many sample sizes would be drawn for inspection based on GI, GII, GIII to S1 – S4.

If the AQL are 0/2.5/4.0, the Ac and Re numbers will be as below tables:

An example to show you how to read the AQL chart. Please contact us for more details.
“Ac” means acceptance number. “Re” means rejection number.
Special Inspection level consists of 4 different levels: S-1, S-2, S-3 and S-4 and this is used when smaller sample sizes are necessary and larger sampling risks can be accepted. This is usually applied for special testing, such as barcode scan check, etc..
General Inspection level consists of 3 different levels: GI, GII and GIII and this is used for sampling sizes purpose in a shipment inspection.
- GI: This level is a reduced sample size or the smallest sample size
- GII: This level is a normal sample size or commonly known as the default use level in AQL for quality control inspection.
- GIII: This level is a stricter level among the 3 different general levels, provides the largest sampling of pieces.
Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) is a statistic measurement of the maximum number of defective products considered acceptable in a sample size.
English Version
“BMS” is the abbreviation of Brand Manufacturing Services, “BMS” mentioned on the text below refers to Branding Manufacturing Services.
1.Upon submission of this booking form to BMS, you have confirmed that all information provided in this form is accurate and that you understand BMS’s Booking Policy as below. Booking requests are subjected to BMS’s availability.
2. For Product inspection service:
- Booking form need to be sent to BMS with at least 2 working days in advance (e.g. services on Thursday must be booked by 5pm on Monday).
- Cancellation must be made with both email and phone call together to BMS office.
3. For Factory audit service:
- Booking form needs to be sent to BMS with at least 5 working days in advance.
- Cancellation conditions also apply as mentioned below.
4. Cancellation Policy:
- No extra change will be incurred if cancellation made two working days in advance (e.g. services on Thursday cancelled before 5pm on Tuesday).
- US$50 rush cancellation fee will be incurred with less than 1 working day noticed (e.g. services on Thursday cancelled from 5pm on Tuesday to 5pm on Wednesday).
- Full cost of cancellation fee will be incurred (e.g. services on Thursday cancelled after 5pm on Wednesday, or auditors are not allowed to perform the services as scheduled or denied access).
- In some cases, when the travel expenses such as bus or train tickets that have already been incurred. The costs incurred or cancellation fee will be billed should these expenses cannot be refunded.
5. The factories must have all items neatly placed in the warehouse, and the space must be allowed auditors to easy access.
6. The factories must help to arrange adequate workers to move cartons, unpacking, packing and perform on-site tests, etc.
7. Should Inspection be delayed due to factory’s reason, BMS will bill a fee of $40 per auditor, per hour.
8. Sunday and Chinese Public Holidays services will be subject to extra charges as such: Sunday (1.5 X actual man-day count), Public Holiday (2.0 X actual man-day count).
9. In the event of natural catastrophe (typhoon, earthquake etc.) and if the auditor was already dispatched but BMS was not able to undertake the service, the client will only be billed with the incurred expenses. BMS will not charge the service fee and will re-schedule the service again.
10. Working day refers to Monday – Saturday, excluding all Chinese Public Holidays.
11. Inspection reports are issued on the same day following completion of the service. For services conducted during public holidays, a USD$50 report issuing fee will apply. Otherwise, the report will be issued on the next working day.
12. Factory audit reports will be issued within five working day following the completion of the service.
“BMS”为Branding Manufacturing Services缩写,以下所有“BMS”都指 Branding Manufacturing Services。
2. 产品检验服务:
- 请表需要至少提前两个工作日提交给BMS(例如,星期四的服务申请须在该周星期一下午五点之前提交给BMS)。
- 服务的取消必须同时以电话和邮件方式通知BMS办公室。
3. 工厂审核服务:
- 申请表需要至少提前五个工作日发给BMS。
- 取消适用下述规定。
4. 取消政策:
- 服务开始前两个工作日取消,不收取任何费用(例如,取消星期四的服务,须在该周星期二下午五点之前提交给BMS)。
- 少于一个工作日取消验货服务的 (例如,取消星期四的服务,取消申请在星期二下午五点之后至星期三下午五点之前以内提交给BMS的),BMS将会收取50USD的加急取消费用。
- 原定服务日前一天下午五点后取消服务的(例如,星期四的服务,取消申请在该周星期三下午五点后提交给BMS),或者BMS员工被拒绝按原计划进行工作。BMS将会收取全额服务费用。
- 在一些特殊情况下,如果已经产生交通费用(如:汽车票、火车票等)。如果这些费用不能退,BMS会向客户收取。
5. 工厂需要将所有货物按产品分类摆放整齐,且有足够空间方便人员进出。
6. 工厂需要安排足够的人员在现场协助搬箱、开包装、包装、做测试等。
7. 验货过程中,由于工厂的原因而导致的服务延时,BMS会额外收取每人每小时40美金的费用。
8. 星期天和公共假日的服务会收取额外费用。星期天(正常费用X1.5), 公共节假日(正常费用X2.0)。
9. 不可抗力(台风、地震等),验货员已经出发,但是不能完成服务,客户需支付已经产生的差旅费用,但BMS不会收取服务费,并将会重新安排服务。
10. 工作日指星期一至星期六。不包括公共假日。
11. 检验报告会在检验当天发送。公共假日期间的服务,如果要求在假日期间发送报告,将会额外收取$50美元的报告费,否则报告将会在假期后的第一个工作日发送。
12. 工厂审核报告将会在服务完成后的五个工作日内发出。
For Inspection Services:
- Purchase order of shipment
- Vendor or Factory details:
- Name
- Address
- Contact details (phone, email and name of contact)
- Approved sample in retail packaging
- At least 1pc
- Clear description and photos of the product (if no approved sample available)
- Clear description and photos of past quality issues
- Product Specification
- Artwork
- Drawing
- Packaging
- Other special requirements
For Supplier Evaluation or Audits:
- Vendor or Factory details:
- Name
- Address
- Contact details (phone, email and name of contact)
- Detailed description of the product type and product photos
- Other special requirements
The below is what we recommend to send to all vendors/factories who we are engaging for the first time:
Please modify this if needed or use it as it is. Depending on your relationship, you may want to delete or modify the sections that state who is responsible for the cost of late/rush, and the costs of re-inspection in case of a FAIL result.
This message is to inform you that we will be working with a 3rd party QC firm – Branding Manufacturing Services to perform auditing, product inspection or testing services on our behalf. This process allows us both to be rest assured of the quality standards and in addition help us establish further in our business relationship. Please be aware of things that you should take note in these QC services:
- Branding Manufacturing Services has its own set of Booking Policy which they will send to you. We require that you adhere to their rules. Any late/rush bookings and cancellations, bookings on weekends/holiday that will incur extra charges in which these be billed back to you.
- A representative from Branding Manufacturing Services will be contacting you within 48 hours to follow-up.
- After any service is complete, you will be asked to sign the Inspection Acknowledgement detailing the service results and also the Integrity Declaration Form which prohibits any improper benefits from being offered to Branding Manufacturing Services’ staff.
Below text is applicable to Inspection Related Services:
- We will pay the costs of all first inspections. If the inspection result has a FAIL rating due to poor product quality or lack of readiness, all re-inspection costs will be billed back to you.
- All products should be 100% completed and packed in ready for inspection. Please contact me directly for approval if you require exception to this rule.
- Branding Manufacturing Services issues an official report within 3-6 hours of completing the services within Mainland China. Services conducted outside of Mainland China, official reports are issued on the next business day. We expect to review the findings in the report prior to your shipment of any products. If you have not been advised on how to proceed based on the report’s result, please do not ship the products without receiving authorization from me.
Below text is applicable to Factory Related Services:
- Branding Manufacturing Services will be performing this service on our behalf which require they have significant access to your facility which include the production, design and storage areas that are related to the product production. Please provide the auditors access to these areas and all necessary information, and also allow them photo taking of these related areas. If you have any question with this, please inform us ASAP or at least 2 days prior to this service conducted.
Branding Manufacturing Services requires clients to provide confidential information – purchase orders, product specification, engineering data, manufacturing process data, supplier and factory contact information in order to provide the professional level of services. In every business dealing we will keep this information entirely confidential and will not release it except when or if it is essential. Before releasing any information, we will seek your approval.
All information provided by our visitors and clients will be held confidentially by Branding Manufacturing Services and will not be sold to any other organization or released outside of the company except as required by law.
The Suppliers will be included in copy by Branding Manufacturing Services when issuing reports via email for Inspections Related services conducted. Any Factory Related Services, the suppliers will not be included when issuing the reports via email.
English Version
“BMS” is the abbreviation of “Brand Manufacturing Services”, “BMS” mentioned on the text below refers to “Branding Manufacturing Services”.
BMS’ employees and suppliers shall abide by this “Ethic Policy”. Any employees violates this “Ethic Policy” will be punished, including dismissal.
For BMS’ employees:
- Must act in accordance with the laws of the countries.
- Cannot take bribes, gifts or any benefits. Employees must report to management if suppliers try to bribe him/her.
- No alcoholic drink is allowed during working hours or after working hours with suppliers.
- No smoking in non-smoking area at the factory.
- Any non-work related activities with suppliers are not allowed, such as KTV etc.
- Report the findings accurately and objectively.
- Cannot involve in the conflict between clients and suppliers.
- All clients provided information will be kept confidential, unless the information must be released in order to finish our job.
- If client has more than one supplier, BMS employees must not mentioned any information between different suppliers.
- Not allowed to do business with clients and suppliers.
- Not allowed to work for clients and suppliers.
- Take measures to eat on their own, not with the factory. In some cases, the suppliers take BMS employees out for meal. BMS employees must inform management and get the approval beforehand. And it must be mentioned on the Integrity Form.
- In most cases, BMS employees will take public transportation (train, metro, bus, coach, etc.) for work. Sometimes, the suppliers may provide assistance with transportation for pick-up from or drop-off at the local bus station or train station, but BMS employees cannot require suppliers to provide transportation assistance.:
For suppliers:
- Should suppliers found a BMS employee is trying to ask for bribe, gift or any benefits, the supplier must reject the request and notify BMS immediately.
- Suppliers have the right to disagree the service procedure or result and provide explanation. BMS employees will record all explanation and report it back to the client. But the suppliers should not shout at BMS employees, or threaten BMS employees.
“BMS”为Branding Manufacturing Services缩写,以下所有“BMS”都指 Branding Manufacturing Services。
- 必须按照国家法规工作。
- 不得收受贿赂、礼物或者其他好处。如果供应商试图贿赂BMS员工,那么员工须将该情况汇报给公司管理人员。
- 工作时间和下班后不得与供应商喝酒。
- 禁止在工厂非吸烟区吸烟。
- 禁止和供应商参加任何与工作无关的活动。比如KTV等。
- 准确客观的报告发现的结果。
- 不得卷入客户与供应商间的矛盾之中。
- 所有客户提供的信息将会予以保密,某些为了完成工作必须公开的数据除外。
- 如果客户不止有一家供应商,BMS员工禁止在工厂公开谈论客户其他供应商的任何相关信息。
- 不得与客户和供应商进行商业交易。
- 不得为客户和供应商提供服务。
- 设法自己解决餐饮而不是与工厂一起就餐。特殊情况下,如果工厂需要带BMS的员工外出用餐, BMS员工必须先告知公司管理层并获得批准,并在诚信表上备注。
- BMS员工应该按公司规定乘坐公共交通工具(火车、地铁、公交、大巴车、等)往返工厂。在特殊情形下,工厂可以提供车辆协助在公交车站、火车站接送,但是BMS员工不得向工厂索求交通协助。
- 如果供应商发现BMS员工试图索取贿赂、礼物和其他利益,供应商必须拒绝要求并且立即告知BMS公司。
- 供应商有权对服务程序或者结果提出异议。BMS员工将会做相应记录并告知客户。但是供应商不得对BMS员工大声呵斥或者威胁BMS员工。