How BMS Helps you Manufacture and Ship your Products On Time

How BMS Helps you Manufacture and Ship your Products On Time

How does BMS Help you Manufacture & Ship Products On Time?

Do you remember all those times your suppliers told you that they wouldn’t be able to ship your order on time? Usually this happens because:

  1. They found defected items during inspection.
  2. They lack manpower to finish the packaging.
  3. They lack materials to complete the production on time.

The problem is, that for many importers, time is money. 

Quality issues can cause numerous delays on production and shipment, and working with a not competent Inspection company will make things even worst!

Branding Manufacturing Services (BMS) will help you improve your import efficiency and prevent quality issues with your supplier before any delays happen, through:

  1. Pre-Production Sample (PPS) Reviewing aka Sample Review
  2. Personalized assistance from your BMS Brand Manager 
  3. Inspections when you and your supplier are ready 
  4. Factory structure process review 

Pre-Production Sample (PPS) Reviewing aka Sample Review

Before placing an order with your supplier, you must first review the product samples. Why? Product samples will be your first opportunity to see if your suppliers understand your requirements.

Without reviewing the product sample, the risk of miscommunication and defective products is very high.

Most importers do not have a team to help them check the product samples in the manufacturing country and need to have the samples shipped overseas. 

In order to save you all this time and money, BMS reviews and tests the product samples for you. This will streamline your process so that your supplier can move forward with the production sooner than expected.

When you book the PPS review service with BMS, we will:

  1. Arrange an inspector to head to your supplier 
  2. Randomly pull the required number of samples as per the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) in your Purchase Order (PO)
  3. Review the samples as per specification / Technical pack and issue a report
  4. Seal the sample(s) on-site: This is to ensure that the samples reviewed are the same ones that are used for reference.
  5. Test the samples at our partner labs and issue a report of the samples’ compliance with your specific standard. 

By asking your supplier to send you the PPS to review, you give the chance to choose the best-made samples. BMS has its own engineering / inspectors’ team with experience in different product-lines international standards. 

Personalized assistance from your BMS Brand Manager 

Dealing with QC inspectors who don’t answer your questions and doubts on time will delay your shipments, as you need to go back and forth clarifying requirements and details. 

In BMS, you will have a Brand Manager working exclusively with you. The Brand Manager will be your main contact through every step of the inspection process. Our Brand Management Department keeps flexible hours, so they will be always available by phone or emails to answer your questions. 

Our Brand Manager team can assist:

  1. Clarifying the service scope
  2. Discussing the service findings and recommending next steps 
  3. Answering any questions related to your service results 

BMS support system will work with you to design a QC program that address your specific needs. 

Inspections when you and your supplier are ready 

Product inspection can often be time sensitive. Your supplier could be waiting on an evaluation before they can move forward with production or shipment. This is why working with BMS will make your supplier move quickly and effectively. 

In BMS, our inspectors can work with a short notice when communicated with your Brand Manage. We have 2 different teams (Booking Team and Brand Manager Team) to communicate and ensure a smooth process. 

Booking Team:

  1. Communicate directly with your supplier to ensure any services booked
  2. Arranged inspector accordingly to the location to save traveling time
  3. Communicate directly with Brand Managers on any changes and updates

Sometimes your supplier might need to delay or cancel the service after you have requested a service with us. Since we are based in the same time zone as your supplier, we will follow up with them to ensure service are progressing smoothly, and your Brand Manager will notify you right away of any changes to the schedule. 

Factory Structure Process Review 

Dealing with an unorganized and uncoordinated supplier can result in delays of production, product inspections and shipment. 

In BMS, every Brand Manager will be on-site with the inspectors for all importers’ first inspection at each factory. This is to ensure that proper feedback and suggestions can be made to improve every inspection going forward.

In BMS “Factory Structure Process Review”, we assist suppliers streamline the manufacturing process, so that in the long term fewer errors occur.

As you already know, the phrases “Time is essential” and “Time is Money” are absolutely true in the importing industry. Only when your products are in the market you will get the return of your investment. BMS represents importers locally to improve efficiency across different aspects of the QC process. 

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