Visual Inspection on Stuffed Toys – Softline

Visual Inspection on Stuffed Toys – Softline – Appearance Check per Specification

Visual Inspection on Stuffed Toys – Softline - Appearance Check per Specification Video

Here is a video for the visual inspection on stuffed toys.

In this video, the inspector checked the retail packaging, packaging method, assortment and the product against what’s on the specification.

Anything found that are not matching with the requirement would be classified as defect product. The defects from the visual inspection would be categorize as minor, major or critical based on its severity and then consolidated under AQL section, which would lead to a pass or fail AQL result depending on the overall defect found.  

An important note to know is that for each product, only the most severe defect would be counted, that’s to say on one product if more than one defects were found, only the most severe one would be counted and reported.

Want to know more about AQL, you may check out on our FAQ page, the relative ones are:

AQL Chart
What does Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) means?
How to Read AQL Chart?

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